

Liquid Gut Acidifier & Growth Promoter 

ANICARECID-L is a unique blend of organic acid with essential oil & phytoconstituents. It replaces synthetic antibiotics and works as antimicrobial agent. It diminishes acid intolerance species such as E. coli, Salmonella, and campylobacter. It reduces production of ammonia and other growth-depressing microbial metabolites, increase pancreatic secretion.

Use of ANICARECID-L in broiler diet improves the bird’s growth performance, reduces chances of diseases and also reduces management problems and improves F.C.R. ANICARECID-L increases the lactobacilli population which improve the digestion of protein and energy by reducing the microbial population.

  • Reduces the pathogen load
  • Improves the FCR
  • Prevents respiratory problems due to increased ammonia level
  • Prevents the incidences of Salmonellosis & Colibacillosis
  • Promotes normal gut flora and enhances gut integrity
  • Improves performance & productivity
  • Promotes digestive process and enhances nutrient absorption
  • Reduces overall medication cost

Through drinking water

Breeder, Layer & Broiler : 0.2 ml per Liter

Unique Blend of Organic Acids (Butyric Acid, Propionic Acid, Formic Acid, Lactic Acid, Fumaric Acid)


Essential Oils