

Powder Gut Acidifier & Growth Promoter 

ANICARECID-P is a unique blend of organic acid with HSCAS. It replaces synthetic antibiotics and works as antimicrobial agent. It diminishes acid intolerance species such as E. coli, Salmonella, and campylobacter. It reduces production of ammonia and other growth-depressing microbial metabolites, increase pancreatic secretion.

Use of ANICARECID-P in broiler diet improves the bird’s growth performance, reduces chances of diseases and also reduces management problems and improves F.C.R. ANICARECID-P increases the lactobacilli population which improve the digestion of protein and energy by reducing the microbial population

  • Reduces the pathogen load of feed
  • Improves gut integrity
  • Enhances nutrient availability
  • Improves weight gain
  • Enhances nutrient utilization
  • Promotes growth and colonization of beneficial micro flora
  • Regulates the pH of GIT

Poultry and Swine: 1 Kg per ton of the feed

Each 100g contains



Formic Acid


4.00 g

Acetic Acid


5.00 g

Lactic Acid


2.00 g

Propionic Acid


3.00 g

Citric Acid


2.50 g

Hydrated Sodium Calcium Aluminosilicate




VEETAMORE TONE is concentrated fusion of vit. A, vit. D, vit. C, vit. E & selenium. Vitamin A helps in better growth and development, maintains immunity. Vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, antioxidant, important for growth and tissue repair, helps to absorb iron from sources.