

Methionine With Chelated Trace Minerals

Methionine is an essential sulphur-containing amino acid. It is the first limiting amino acid required by poultry in sufficient amount for optimum body weight gain & egg production. Deficiency of methionine causes retarded growth in broilers and reduced egg production in layers. Methionine is also a major constituent in feather formation. As a methyl donor, methionine is responsible for a variety of metabolic reactions. It is also essential for cell proliferation and development. Methionine helps in the breakdown of fats and is a powerful antioxidant.
Chelation protects the mineral from unnecessary chemical reactions in the gut. ANIMAXOMETH delivers the minerals to pass through intestinal wall and increases passive absorption and Increases stability at a low pH. 

  • Optimises weight gain & egg production.
  • Improves feed efficiency
  • Maximizes edible meat
  • Improves feather formation.
  • A powerful antioxidant
  • Improves hatchability, minimizes egg breakage
  • Improves immune status
  • Improves metabolic pathways.
  • Reduces carcass fat.
  • Balances animal’s nutrient intake, Better FCR index

Layers                               : 500 g – 1 Kg per ton

Broilers & Breeders         : As recommended by Nutritionists

2.2 Kg per ton of feed to replace 1 Kg DLM

Each 1000g contains



430 g

Minerals In Chelated Form





3440 mg



390 mg



373 mg