

Complete Solution for Respiratory Problem Respiratory disease often presents itself with one or more birds sneezing/snicking. These birds can have a running nose and foamy running eyes. In severe cases these birds can have swollen sinuses (presents as swelling around the eyes), stop eating and in extreme cases die.

ANIRESP CARE is a natural solution for respiratory trouble caused by germs, such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. It works as natural antibiotic

  • Effective against respiratory trouble.
  • Useful against Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD)
  • Prevents pathogenic microbes responsible for influenza.
  • Effective for post vaccination.
  • Performance enhancer
  • Reduces respiratory diseases complexity.
  • Strengthens the immunity.
  • Stimulates the appetite.

Administer through drinking water or spray (Ratio 1:10) with fine nozzle/fogger

Through water-

Chicks    : 100ml in 1000 Liter for 20,000 birds.

Layer/breeder/broiler  : 150-200ml in 1000 Liter for 20,000 birds.

Through spray-

1-2 Liter in 100 Liter of water.

Each 100 ml contains

Eucalyptus Oil


15.0 g



100 mg

Peppermint Oil


5.0 g

Oregano Oil


500 mg

Thyme Oil


500 mg



2.5 g

Curcuma Longa


1.0 g

Water Soluble Base

