

Vitamin B Complex Solution- For Breeder, Chicks, Pullets, Broilers, Laying Hens & Turkeys 

The B complex vitamins are water soluble and act in a broad range of metabolic pathways. B complex vitamins are required for better productivity, including growth in the young animal, and egg production in the layer. The embryo is particularly dependent on having adequate supplies of vitamins deposited in the egg. Vitamin B complex deficiencies are especially prone to cause problems of hatchability. COMBEE-VITA is equipped with vitamin B complex, essential amino acids and choline chloride.

  • Improves broad range of metabolic pathways
  • Provides better productivity and hatchability
  • Prevents anaemia, anorexia & perosis
  • Prevents curled toe paralysis
  • Prevents dermatitis/scaly skin
  • Effective against mouth lesions, conjunctivitis, poor feathering
  • Improves the FCR

Poultry  : 4-5ml per 100 birds (Administer in fresh drinking water in every 1st week during stress period, beak trimming, summer and disease period. 

Cattle/camel   : 10ml/day

Small animal   : 5 ml/day

Each 5 ml contains

Vitamin B1


7.0 mg

Vitamin B2


2.5 mg

Vitamin B6


1.0 mg

Vitamin B12


12.5 mcg



25.0 mcg

Calcium Pantothenate


2.5 mg



75 mg

Choline Chloride


200 mg



15 mg



20 mg


