

For Better Immunity

Liquid combination of Vitamin E, Selenium, Biotin & Folic acid for better Immunity, better Growth, better Performance, better productivity. Biotin is an essential coenzyme in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. Biotin also plays an important role in maintaining normal blood glucose levels from metabolism of protein and fat when the dietary intake of carbohydrate is low. Folic acid helps to produce and maintain new cells, and also helps prevent changes to DNA that may lead to cancer. 

  • Increases functionality of the cell
  • Protect tissue damage
  • Growth performer & Immunity booster
  • Increases productivity
  • Maintains red blood cells
  • Improves both humoral and cell mediated immunity.
  • Relieves from stress and inactiveness.
  • Improves hatchability, fertility in breeders.
  • Strengthens the bones
  • Reduce mortality
  • Reduces feather loss

For oral administration in drinking water-
Calves, lambs, sheep, Goats & Piglets   : 10 ml per 50 Kg bodyweight during 5-10 days.
Poultry                                                          : 1-2 ml per litre of drinking water during 5-10 days


Mixed drinking water should be used within 24 hours.

Each 100ml contains

Vitamin E


2500 mg



10 mg

Biotin (Vitamin H)


20 mg

Folic Acid


20 mg


