

Essential Electrolytes with Vitamin C and Probiotic For Heat Stress 

ELECTRONERGY is a unique Dietary Electrolyte Balance (DEB). Electrolytes are vitally important for Poultry in all biological functions. Electrolytes are necessary for in enzyme activity, cellular functions, osmotic balance, detoxification systems, and acid-base balance and structurally in bone metabolism, hormonal balance, blood plasma, regulate thermostat, Maintain normal health and fight against heat stress.

  • Fights against heat stress
  • Improves enzyme activity within cells
  • Prevents dehydration
  • Provides ready source of energy
  • Improves Osmotic balance
  • Helps in Detoxification
  • Maintains acid-base balance
  • Maintains Ca-Mg level, essential for egg shell formation
  • Prevents mortality due to heat stress
  • Maintains performance and production

Poultry  : 1 g in 2 Liter of water or 250 g per ton of feed.

Cattle    : 10-20g per animal

Each 100g contains

Sodium Chloride


0.8 g

Potassium Chloride


5.0 g

Sodium Bicarbonate


3.0 g

Sodium Acid Phosphate


0.8 g

Sodium Citrate


6.5 g

Calcium Lactate


1.7 g

Magnesium Sulphate


1.0 g



25.0 g

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)


1.2 g

Lactobacillus Viable Spores


3000 million CFU


