

Exclusive Herbal Blend For Liver Disorder 

Liver is a vital organ involved in metabolism, storage, and secretion, detoxification & protection.  Being the central organ of metabolism, it metabolise Carbohydrate, Protein, Lipid, detoxifies various bio-toxins and harmful chemicals. A variety of enzymes synthesized in liver which are crucial for various physiological functions. HEPATOBOOT-H encloses a blend of medicinal herbs which protect liver from various toxins, modulate its bio-functions and help in renovation of liver health.

  • Minimised liver damage due to pathogens (bacteria, virus and fungi), overcome hypertrophy of liver.
  • Boost liver function, Improves appetite & digestion by increasing liver secretions
  • Helps in Faster recovery from stress & diseases.
  • Helps in transport of fat, prevents fat accumulation diseases, enhance egg production and quality
  • Improves liver health leads to better F.C.R, higher growth rate and higher egg production
  • Protects against harmful toxins and work as blood purifier.

Chicks                                             : 5 ml/100 birds/ day through drinking water.

Growers                                          : 10 ml/100 birds/ day through drinking water.

Layers/Boiler finishers                : 20 ml/100 birds/ day

Cattle                                               : 20 ml. daily per head for 10 days.

Calf, Sheep, Goat & Dog              : 5 – 10 ml. per head per day for 7 days.
In case of acute liver damage the dose should be doubled

Each 100g contains extract of

Trachyspermum ammi


5.0 g

Curcuma longa


5.0 g

Silybum marrianum (Milk Thistle)


2.0 g

Salvia miltiorrhiza


2.0 g

Andrographis paniculata


8.0 g

Phyllanthus niruri


5.0 g

Chelidonium majus


3.0 g

Zinziber officinale


6.0 g

Terminalia arjuna


8.0 g

Eclipta alba


8.0 g

Picrorhiza kurrooa


2.0 g

Tinospora cordifolia


5.0 g

Solanum nigrum


5.0 g

Boerhavia diffusa


5.0 g

Berberis aristata


5.0 g

Citrullus colocynthis



Achyranthes aspera


5.0 g

Tersminalia chebula


5.0 g

Terminalia chebula


5.0 g

Black Salt


10.0  g


VEETAMORE TONE is concentrated fusion of vit. A, vit. D, vit. C, vit. E & selenium. Vitamin A helps in better growth and development, maintains immunity. Vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, antioxidant, important for growth and tissue repair, helps to absorb iron from sources.