

Unique Liver Tonic – An Exclusive Key 

Liver is a vital organ involved in metabolism, storage, and secretion, detoxification & protection. HEPATOBOOST-S is a scientific formula of hepatostimulant, hepatoprotective, antihepatotoxic and hepatoregenerative. It is blended with vitamin B1 and B12 which enhances liver function and protect from variable liver attacks. It recovers liver disorder/diseases in cattle as well as poultry.

  • Prevents liver injuries due to mycotoxins and bacterial toxins
  • Stimulates liver function
  • Stimulates better growth, production, fertility, hatchability & FCR
  • Improve egg production and poultry weight
  • Guard liver functions thereby increases immunity
  • Provides added nutrients in the form of Choline chloride and vitamins
  • Prevents liver damage due to pesticide residues.
  • Reduces liver damage due to pathogens
  • Facilitates faster recovery from stress & diseases of all types
  • Prevents production oscillation

Cow, Buffalo and Horse               : 50 – 75 ml daily.

Calf, Foal and Pig                          : 20 – 25 ml daily.

Sheep, Goat                                    : 5-10 ml daily.

Growers and Broilers                   : 20 ml. / 100 Birds daily.

Layers and Breeders                     : 30 to 40 ml. / 100 Birds daily.


Should be given daily for 7 to 10 days of every month or as recommended by veterinarian

Each 10ml contains



Tricholine Citrate


1500 mg

Protein Hydrolysate


100 mg

Vitamin B1


2.5 mg

Vitamin B12


4 mcg



35 mg

Methyl Donor


66 mg

Vitamin E


20 mg



7 mcg



6 mcg

Liver Extract


125 mg

Solubilising Agents

