

Amino Acid & Mineral Mixture

MINR-O-AMINO liquid is equipped with all essential amino acids which are highly required for better growth. Amino acids are building block of protein. Chelated minerals are available in desired sum to accomplish the daily necessity. MINR-O-AMINO fulfils nutritional gap, boost up productivity and obviously economic return.
MINR-O-AMINO is useful for the construction of body tissues such as muscles, nerves, cartilage, skin, feathers, beak, egg white and so on. 

  • Prevents production breakdown related to nutritional deficit
  • Improves size, production and quality of eggs
  • Improves fertility, hatchability- Female breeder
  • Improves semen quality- Male breeder
  • Improves carcass quality
  • Reduces mortality
  • Improves meat quality & bone strength
  • Play important role in formation of blood cells, blood clotting, enzyme activation, & energy metabolism

Chicks : 2-4 ml per Liter of water

Broilers : 1-2 ml per Liter of water

Breeders & Layers : 1-2 ml per Liter of water

Each 500ml contains



Methionine  Hydroxyl Analog (MHA)


127.600 g

L-Lysine HCl


63.125 g

Choline Chloride


63.125 g



459.00 mg



154.16 mg



595.40 mg



215.70 mg

Iron (Ferrous)


223.40 mg



158.80 mg



206.25 mg



384.55 mg

Suitable Solubilising Agent


Q.S. to 500 ml