

Vitamin H Supplement

Vitamin H (Biotin, Vitamin B7) is a part of the B-Complex vitamins family. Biotin is an essential coenzyme in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. It is required for cell growth, production of fatty acids, good feather production, reduces mortality, reduces skeletal abnormality, improves production & hatchability and metabolism of both fats & amino acids. 

  • Helps in better metabolism of carbohydrate, fat and protein.
  • Improves growth & weight gain
  • Enhances good feathering
  • Prevent disturbed & broken feathering
  • Reduces skeletal abnormality
  • Reduces cracking and bleeding of feet
  • Improves production & hatchability
  • Maintains normal blood glucose levels
  • Prevents dermatitis of the foot pad & skin around beak & eyes

Through feed:

Chicks                               : 500 g per ton

Breeder during Lay         : 500 g per ton

Growers & Layers           : 400 g per ton

Through water:

1 g per 2 Liter

In case of acute deficiency dosage may be doubled

Each 100g contains

Biotin (Vitamin H)


40 mg

Water Soluble Vehicle

