

Anti- Stress, Prevent Blood Loss 

VEETA-KAYCEE is a unique formulation act as anti-stress, blood loss preventer and anti-oxidant.

Vitamin K is essential for production of crucial blood proteins responsible for clotting viz. prothrombin, plasma thromboplastin component, Factor VII and Stuart factor which plays important role in blood coagulation. It reduces coagulation time of blood by synthesis of prothrombin (factor II). Improves calcium metabolism, protein synthesis and act as anti- hemorrhaging.

Vitamin C combats with stress factors in poultry and thereby improves productivity. Vitamin C act as an anti-oxidant, photo-protectant, improves resistance to infections, facilitates wound healing, Antihistamine, plays important roles in sperm production, boosts ‘immune system’, enhances energy supply during stress, decreases mortality rate, prevent dry skins.

  • Prevents bleeding disorders
  • Prevents post-beaking haemorrhages
  • Reduces blood coagulation time.
  • Improves calcium metabolism & protein synthesis.
  • Improves productivity.
  • Acts as anti-oxidant, photo-protectant.
  • Improves resistance to infections.
  • Boosts immune system
  • Enhances energy supply during stress
  • Decreases mortality rate, prevent dry skins.

Chicks/ Growers            : 50 g per day for 3000 birds for 5-7 days

Coccidiosis                       : 1 g in 5 Liters for 7-10 days

Each 100g contains

Vitamin K3


1000 mg

Vitamin C


1000 mg

Nutritive energy capitulate carrier

