

Solution of Vitamin A, D, E & Selenium 

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients for cattle. They are involved in all aspects of the animal’s metabolism including growth, reproduction and health. Vitamin A is for vision, reproduction and immune function, while vitamin D plays a critical role in Ca & P metabolism and bone growth. Vitamin E works as antioxidant that interacts with selenium to provide protection to cells and tissues and is involved with immune function.

  • Immunity booster
  • Growth enhancer
  • Useful during antibiotic treatments
  • Useful in stress condition.
  • Prevent early chick mortality
  • Improves hatchability and fertility
  • Best protection against viral, fungal and bacterial diseases

Cattle, Camel, Horse                    : 10ml. / animal
Calves, Sheep, Goat                     : 5 ml. / animal
Dog                                                 : 3ml. / animal
Pig/Piglets                                    : 2ml. / animal

Chicks                                             : 5ml per 100 birds 

Broilers                                           : 7ml per 100 birds 

Growers/Layers                           : 10ml per 100 birds 


Or as advised by a veterinarian

Each 5 ml contains

Vitamin A


60,000 I.U.

Vitamin D3 


30,000 I.U.

Vitamin E


150 mg

Vitamin B12


20 mcg



50 mcg



0.5 mg

