


Healthy Tonic For Liver & Iron Deficiency 

Iron (Fe) is an essential part of haemoglobin, a compound that carries oxygen in the blood. A deficiency of Fe may cause anaemia and reduce growth. HAEMORAISE is a wonderful merge of iron, vitamins, minerals and liver stimulating liver extracts. It enhances growth, improves production and increases body resistance. Ferrous gluconate & ferrous chloride helps oxygen transportation and oxidative metabolism by rising haemoglobin count. A b complex vitamins helps in recovering metabolism.

  • Prevents anaemia
  • Improves Immunity
  • Revitalize Liver Function
  • Improves egg production & egg shell quality
  • Regulates Fat Protein & Carbohydrate metabolism
  • Improves growth rate by increasing FCR
  • Keeps cattle healthy

Poultry               : 15-20 ml per 100 birds daily in drinking water
Cattle                 : 100 ml daily
Calves/Goats    : 20 ml daily
Pigs                     : 50 ml daily
Pets                     : 5-10 ml Daily

Dosages may be increased in critical conditions

Each 100ml contains

Ferrous Gluconate


667 mg

Ferrous Chloride


267 mg

Thiamine Hydrochloride (Vit. B1)


17 mg

Riboflavin (Vit. B2)


17 mg

Nicotinic Acid


67 mg



150 mg

Calcium Lactate


1000 mg

Liver Fraction


500 mg

Solubilising Agents

